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W. Michael KelleyISBN : 9781615646975
Genre : Mathematics
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Now students have nothing to fear! Math textbooks can be as baffling as the subject they're teaching. Not anymore. The best-selling author of The Complete Idiot's Guide® to Calculus has taken what appears to be a typical calculus workbook, chock full of solved calculus problems, and made legible notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying solutions. Finally, everything is made perfectly clear. Students will be prepared to solve those obscure problems that were never discussed in class but always seem to find their way onto exams. --Includes 1,000 problems with comprehensive solutions --Annotated notes throughout the text clarify what's being asked in each problem and fill in missing steps --Kelley is a former award-winning calculus teacher
The Humongous Book Of Geometry Problems
Author : W. Michael KelleyISBN : 9781615646982
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An ingenious problem-solving solution for befuddled math students. A bestselling math book author takes what appears to be a typical geometry workbook, full of solved problems, and makes notes in the margins adding missing steps and simplifying concepts so that otherwise baffling solutions are made perfectly clear. By learning how to interpret and solve problems as they are presented in courses, students become fully prepared to solve any obscure problem. No more solving by trial and error! - Includes 1000 problems and solutions - Annotations throughout the text clarify each problem and fill in missing steps needed to reach the solution, making this book like no other geometry workbook on the market - The previous two books in the series on calculus and algebra sell very well
The Humongous Book Of Algebra Problems
Author : W. Michael KelleyISBN : 9781436242783
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When the numbers just don't add up.. Following in the footsteps of the successful The Humongous Books of Calculus Problems, bestselling author Michael Kelley has taken a typical algebra workbook, and made notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying concepts and solutions. Students will learn how to interpret and solve 1000 problems as they are typically presented in algebra courses-and become prepared to solve those problems that were never discussed in class but always seem to find their way onto exams. Annotations throughout the text clarify each problem and fill in missing steps needed to reach the solution, making this book like no other algebra workbook on the market.
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Author : Robert DonnellyISBN : 9781101151396
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Following the successful, 'The Humongous Books', in calculus and algebra, bestselling author Mike Kelley takes a typical statistics workbook, full of solved problems, and writes notes in the margins, adding missing steps and simplifying concepts and solutions. By learning how to interpret and solve problems as they are presented in statistics courses, students prepare to solve those difficult problems that were never discussed in class but are always on exams. - With annotated notes and explanations of missing steps throughout, like no other statistics workbook on the market - An award-winning former math teacher whose website ( reaches thousands every month, providing exposure for all his books
The Humongous Book Of Trigonometry Problems
Author : W KelleyISBN : 9781101598085
Genre : Mathematics
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Format : PDF
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Most math and science study guides are a reflection of the college professors who write them-dry, difficult, and pretentious. The Humongous Book of Trigonometry Problems is the exception. Author Mike Kelley has taken what appears to be a typical t
Idiot S Guides Calculus I
Author : W. Michael KelleyISBN : 9781465454126
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Let's face it: most students don't take calculus because they find it intellectually stimulating. It's not .. at least for those who come up on the wrong side of the bell curve! There they are, minding their own business, working toward some non-science related degree, when .. BLAM! They get next semester's course schedule in the mail, and first on the list is the mother of all loathed college courses .. CALCULUS! Not to fear--Idiot's Guides: Calculus I is a curriculum-based companion book created with this audience in mind. This new edition continues the tradition of taking the sting out of calculus by adding more explanatory graphs and illustrations and doubling the number of practice problems! By the time readers are finished, they will have a solid understanding (maybe even a newfound appreciation) for this useful form of math. And with any luck, they may even be able to make sense of their textbooks and teachers.
The Humongous Book Of Basic Math And Pre Algebra Problems
Author : W. Michael KelleyISBN : 1615640835
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'Over 800 basic math and pre-algebra problems with comprehensive solutions for all major topics'--Cover.
Mathematics For Engineers Ii
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'Mathematics for Engineers II' gehört zu einer vierbändigen Reihe und gibt eine Einführung in die Mathematik für Undergraduates, die ein Bachelor-Studium im Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften aufgenommen haben. In Band II wird der klassische Calculus fort- und in die Grundlagen der Linearen Algebra eingeführt. Die Reihe unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Texten dadurch, dass sie interaktiv ist und mit Hilfe des Computer-Algebra-Systems Mathematica die Berechnungen darstellt. Jedem Buch liegt eine CD bei, die die Rechenprogramme und den vollständigen Text in Mathemetica enthält. Den Studierenden eröffnet sich so die Möglichkeit, interaktiv die Vorlesungsmaterialien nachzuvollziehen und die Fragestellungen des Texts sowie der Beispiele mit Unterstützung von Mathematica zu lösen.
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Read : 1008'Mathematics for Engineers I' gehört zu einer vierbändigen Reihe und gibt eine Einführung in die Mathematik für Undergraduates, die ein Bachelor-Studium im Bereich Ingenieurwissenschaften aufgenommen haben. In Band I sind die Grundzüge des klassischen Calculus dargestellt. Die Reihe unterscheidet sich von traditionellen Texten dadurch, dass sie interaktiv ist und mit Hilfe des Computer-Algebra-Systems Mathematica die Berechnungen darstellt.
The Complete Idiot S Guide To Algebra
Author : W. Michael KelleyISBN : PSU:000060828934
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Enhanced by easier-to-read graphs and additional practice problems, an introduction to algebra covers the basic principles of mathematics, including linear equations, inequalities, polynomials, exponents, logarithms, word problems, and more, all written in an easy-to-undertand style. Original.
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