Jul 5, 2010 - For desktop models, the sticker located on the side of the machine near. A HP serial number is a 10 or 12 character string containing letters. More information on how to find your HP Part / Product / Serial Number click here Partsurfer website is best viewable on IE9, IE10, IE11, Google Chrome & Firefox. Few functionalities may not work properly in IE8 and lower versions of internet explorer.
The 4th, 5th, and 6th characters in the serial number of my HP laptop are 214. To what year does the 2 refer, 2012, 2002, or what? I get that the 14 refers to the 14th week of the year, but I cannot decode the year.
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Hp Pavilion Desktop Serial Number
Some features of the tool may not be available at this time. We apologize for this inconvenience and are addressing the issue.Minimize Chat bot windowLoading ChatbotNew MessageHP's Virtual Agent can help troubleshoot issues with your PC or printer.
Hp Desktop Serial Number Key
HP's Virtual Agent can help troubleshoot issues with your PC or printer.